Beth Abraham Orthodox Synagogue

Today's Date

12 Kislev 5785

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Beth Abraham Sisterhood

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sisterhoodThe Sisterhood works with enthusiasm and devotion towards the enrichment and improvement of the Synagogue. Over the years, funds have been raised through a variety of projects including fashion shows, plays, rummage sales, the sale of Shabbos meals and Tree of Life leaves to name a few.  The Sisterhood has been able to complete many projects including updating the sanctuary,  vestry  and kitchen as well as outside landscaping. The Sisterhood makes arrangements for the weekly Kiddush and other festive meals throughout the year.

If interested in becoming a member of the Sisterhood, contact Barbara for more information at 207-942-8093.

Sisterhood Annual Duesare $36.  Life members pay only $10 per year. A lifetime membership to the Sisterhood is $180 and may be paid in installments. It makes a wonderful gift and the member’s name will be added to the Sisterhood Plaque.