Shabbat at Beth Abraham is a very happy time for members and guests. We enjoy davening (Nusach Sephard), an open communal Kiddush, intelligent conversation, learning, pleasant walks, and, when time permits, a snooze. Indeed, even though we have no eruv, many tourists plan their Maine vacations around a Shabbat in Bangor. There are several hotels within easy walking distance of the shul and each has a staff that is adept at hosting Shomer Shabbat visitors.
Meals are no problem. For a reasonable fee, travelers who do not wish to bring their own food may enjoy complete meals for Friday night and Saturday lunch. These complete meals include the main course, desert, challot, grape juice, candles, paper plates, and plastic flatware. They are delivered to the hotel with a warming tray and a smile.
Mincha on Friday afternoon is approximately fifteen minutes before local sunset. Candle lighting is usually eighteen minutes before sunset.  During the summer months mincha and candle lighting are fixed by the community at 7:00 P.M. Year round, mincha is followed immediately by kabbalat Shabbat and ma’ariv.
Throughout the year services begin at 9:00 A.M on Shabbat morning and end around 11:30 A.M. There is always a sit-down kiddush.  The times  of ma’ariv and havdalah are announced in the morning.