Our congregation depends upon the participation of the membership for all aspects of daily tefillah.  Opportunities to serve as a Shaliach Tzibbur (leader of communal prayer), or Ba'al Koreh (Torah reader) are numerous, as are those for men wishing to take part in all other aspects of the service, from being called up to the Torah for an aliyah, to chanting the Haftarah, to offering a D'var Torah on Shabbat, to reciting prayers for the government, for Israel, and for the cholim of the congregation.  Those who have the necessary skills and knowledge are encouraged to contribute to the vitality of the kehilla, and those who wish to learn are offered the training and support needed to take on these important and rewarding roles.
Please contact Rabbi Chaim Wilansky at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or at (207) 650-7223 for more information or to arrange to take part in services.