Beth Abraham Orthodox Synagogue

Today's Date

21 Shevat 5785

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Ask the Rabbi

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02-Our-RabbiHave a question about kashruth?

A holiday?



Rabbi Chaim Wilansky

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Kosher Foods in Bangor

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Jews love to eat, and Baruch Hashem! The Jews of Bangor don’t go hungry. Here are the primary local resources for kosher food:

Shaw’s Supermarket
353 Maine Street

Bangor, Maine

Shaw’s has a nice selection of “haimishe“ dry goods in the international aisle, herring, lox chummusim and pickles in the delicatessen case, and Kiddush wine.

If you want to bake your own challah but don’t have the time, the Bakery Department at Shaws carries challah dough ready to pop in the oven. They also carry frozen bagels which you can be baked at home. Be sure to ask The Bakery staff  for these special products as they are not self serve. The Bakery also has a nice assortment of kosher dairy pastries and cakes, be sure to ask for assistance as not all products are individually labeled.

Hannaford’s Supermarket
653 Broadway
Bangor, Maine

Hannaford’s carries frozen poultry, Empire and Meal Mart frozen beef, some “haimishe” dry goods, and Kiddush wine. On Friday you can also get challot in the bakery department under the supervision of the KVH/Va’ad of Boston.

The Natural Living Center
209 Longview Drive

This is our local health food store, and they offer a remarkable array of kosher food under various hechsherim that are unavailable anywhere else in town. Definitely worth a peek!

kosher_foods_in_bangor2Bangor Rye Bread/Brick Oven Bakery
183 Hancock Street
Bangor, Maine
Store hours: Monday - Saturday 6:30 AM to Noon.

For baked fresh challot, rye bread and bulkie rolls try Bangor Rye/Brick Oven Bakery. It’s located one block from Congregation Beth Abraham. Be sure to call ahead if you want to purchase challot or rye bread. It needs to be preordered.
Supervision is provided by  Rabbi Yitzchok Isaac ben Harav Avraham Yagod

And last but certainly not least, our beloved

Beth Abraham Sisterhood
145 York Street
To order a meal call 207.650.7223  


The Sisterhood caters pre-made Shabbat dinners. The complete meal including grape juice, six rolls, potato kugel, carrot kugel, 8 pieces of chicken and brownies costs only $136 and feeds four people generously. If you’re staying in a hotel over Shabbat, the Sisterhood can also provide “platot” (Shabbat food warmers).

The Sisterhood also stocks a limited  assortment of  prepackaged coldcuts and cheese. Please check on availability in advanced.

A note about kashrut: With the exception of the Sisterhood meals, Beth Abraham Congregation does not warrant the kashrut standards of any of the products available in the stores above. Please consult Rabbi Wilansky  for additional information on the standards of kashrut in Bangor.

So make a brachah and ess gezunteh heit!!

Our Rabbi

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rabbi Chaim Wilansky 1

Rabbi Chaim Wilansky, his wife Esther, and their three children moved to Bangor in August of 2015. He has served as Rabbi of Beth Abraham Synagogue and provided Judaism for the Jews of Northern Maine for close to 10 years. Rabbi Wilansky is a warm, and caring individual, who strives to share the beauty of Yiddishkeit with others. He is dedicated to sharing and providing Jewish knowledge and services for the community and beyond. Rabbi Wilansky brings the lessons of the Torah to life in a meaningful and relevant way to all those who attend his services and classes. Throughout the year, he brings holiday cheer, visits the elderly, and gives his time to study and learn with people both in groups and individually.

Rabbi Wilansky joined the Rabbinical field when he received his Smicha from Rabbi Yeroslavski of Israel at Yeshiva Beis Dovid Shlomo of New Haven, CT.

Kosher Meals

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kosher_mealsAre you in need of a Shabbos meal?
Will you be traveling?
Do you need to give someone a shiva gift?
Have you no time to cook?
Do you not know how to cook?
The Beth Abraham Sisterhood has a solution for you!

Our Shabbos dinner serves four people amply and consists of roasted chicken cut into eight pieces, potato kugel, vegetable kugel, brownies, four challah rolls, one bottle of grape juice, salt, pepper, two tealight candles and matches.

The meals are prepared by the Beth Abraham Sisterhood in the shul kitchen. Meals are delivered to the local hotel or location of your choice, along with an electric blech, which must be returned to the shul on Sunday at Shacharis.

Each meals costs $136. Orders must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Please call 207.650.7223 to order a meal.