Beth Abraham Orthodox Synagogue

Today's Date

21 Shevat 5785

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Shalom and Welcome to Beth Abraham Orthodox Synagogue

homepage1In a changing world, Congregation Beth Abraham has never changed. Physically, perhaps, but not spiritually. For there is more to this synagogue than cement and mortar and wood. External embellishments over the past years have attracted the eye, but the underlying spirit has attracted the heart.

“Beth Abraham” literally means “House of Abraham.” Among his greatest attributes was his love of his fellow man. In his home all were welcome, from the weariest traveler to the wealthiest merchant prince. They were made to feel a part of Abraham’s household….they were made to feel welcome and they were told that they could always return and find a safe refuge in Abraham’s house.

So, too, with this “Bais Avraham.” Over the years newcomers to Bangor found a haven here – an Orthodox oasis where one was never expected, and even those whose religious roots were not observant, found a place where they and their children could feel comfortable.

To be sure, the original founders of Beth Abraham might be somewhat startled at the physical changes in the shul over the years but they would be really amazed at the role that the women of the congregation have played in bringing beauty and order to a once male-dominated world. The Beth Abraham Sisterhood welcomes visitors as guests and is responsible for the weekly kiddush. The ladies also prepare meals for sale - whether for visitors or local residents. Mouthwatering chicken and accompaniments are a boon to kosher travelers. Beth Abraham without it’s Sisterhood just wouldn’t be Beth Abraham. Perhaps the Beth Abraham Synagogue can best be described in one word – home. Many people, members and nonmembers alike, have always found a “safe harbor” here. A place to worship in their own way.

The members of Beth Abraham, who belong to no special social strata, combine hard work and a love for their “shul” to keep it alive. From one generation to another it has kindled a lifelong sense of Judaism.

We hope and pray, that spark and its flame, will burn eternally.

Shalom Aleichem!


Davening Schedule





Shabbat and the Yom Tovin 

Shachrit begins at 9:00 A.M. on Shabbat and the Yom Tovim. Services for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur begin at 9:00 A.M.

During the summer months, mincha service begins at 7:00 P.M. on Friday evening.

Mincha is at approximately fifteen minutes before local sunset on Shabbat and all holidays. Times are announced on Shabbat and the Holidays. Precise times for ma'ariv are announced each Shabbat and Yom Tov.

Congregation Beth Abraham welcomes Shabbat at 7:00 P.M. during day light savings time.


Today's Sunrise / Sunset
Bangor, Maine
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Membership Dues Plans Details
Family $950.00 due annually
Individual $750.00 due annually
Young Adult (22-29) $250.00 due annually
College Student No charge
Dual Membership with Any Other In-State or Out-of-State Synagogue $195.00 due annually
Dues Payment Options Details
Quarterly Family Dues Payments $250.00 due 4x/year
Semi Annual Family Payments $500.00 due 2x/year
Quarterly Individual Dues Payments $200.00 due 4x/year
Semi Annual Individual Dues Payments $400.00 due 2x/year
All Other Member Dues Plans Due Annually by Jan 31st
High Holiday Seats Details
Members Included in Annual Dues
Non-Member Single Seat $95.00
Non-Member Family $145.00

To Become a Member or for Renewals, Please Send: Name, Address, eMail address, Phone # and Check Made Payable to:

145 York Street
Bangor, Maine 04401
Phone: 207.650.7223

We strive to be a welcoming community for all Jews regardless of one's ability to pay the Membership fee. Please know, you are welcome here regardless of your ability to pay as your presence is always more valuable to us than a payment!

Oral History

oralhistoryCongregation Beth Abraham is archiving biographical information to add to our Yahrzeit  database. If you would like to share oral history about any of our ancestors please contact:

Beth Abraham Synagogue

145 York Street
Bangor, Maine 04401
Phone 207-947-0876
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